My research & publications
Ph.D., Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2009)
Assistant Professor, Korea University
Institute of Foreign Language Studies, Korea University, Seoul, Korea | Email: κεnτ@κεnτlεε7·cοm |
ORCID ID | Kudos profile
Current research
My current research focuses on a cognitive linguistic analysis of the English system of definite / indefinite articles and bare nouns. This work involves both pedagogical and corpus based research. So far my relevant publications include the following, plus several conference presentations.
- Lee, K. (2017). A “the” or the “a”? L2 Learner problems and patterns. Korea TESOL Journal, 13(2), 25-48. (A copy of this article is available by request.)
I have also done some research on the effects of English medium instruction (EMI) on university education. My relevant publications include the following.
- Lee, K., & Lee, H. (in press). An EAP professional development program for graduate students in Korea. TESOL Quarterly.
- Lee, K., & Lee, H. (2018). Korean Graduate Students’ Self-perceptions of English Skills and Needs in an English-medium Instruction Context. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 39(8), 715-728.
- Lee, K., & Lee, H. (2017). Korean graduate students’ perceptions of guidance and professional development. Higher Education, 73(5), 725–740. [Survey items, 70 MB, PDF ]
Other research interests
Cognitive grammar, psycholinguistics, writing research, applied phonology, grammar pedagogy, cognitive communicative language teaching, language education
Here is a complete list of publications so far.
- Lee, K., & Lee, H. (in press). An EAP professional development program for graduate students in Korea. TESOL Quarterly.
- Lee, K., & Lee, H. (2018). Korean Graduate Students’ Self-perceptions of English Skills and Needs in an English-medium Instruction Context. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. *
- Lee, K. (2017). A “the” or the “a”? L2 Learner problems and patterns. Korea TESOL Journal, 13(2), 25-48. (A copy of this article is available by request.)
- Lee, K., & Lee, H. (2017). Korean graduate students’ perceptions of guidance and professional development. Higher Education, 73(5), 725–740. [Survey items, 70 MB, PDF ] *
- Lee, K. (2013). Right dislocation in Chinese: Interface of syntax and information structure. Korean Journal of Chinese Language and Literature, 55, 3-50. +
- Lee, K. (2013). Sentence stress in information structure. Oeneohag [J. Korean Ling. Soc.], 66,3-30. +
- Lee, K. (2013). Koreans’ use of English connectors and topic management in writing. English Language Teaching, 25(2), 81-103. +
- Lee, K. (2013). Tonal reduplication in Kibondei. The Journal of Studies in Language, 29(1), 129-150. +
- Stine-Morrow, E., Shake, M., Miles, J., Lee, K., Gao, X. & McKonkie, G. (2010). Pay now or pay later: Aging and the role of boundary salience in self-regulation of conceptual integration in sentence processing. Psychology and Aging, 25, 168-176. doi:10.1037/a0018127. *
- Lee, K. (2009). [Book review of Brinton (2008), The comment clause in English.] Studies in Language, 33, 1004-1011. doi: 10.1075/sl.33.4.09lee.
- Lee, K. (2009). Phonological and semantic information used in reading Chinese characters.Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Regional Culture and Language, Hanyang University.
- Lee, K. (2009). Phonological and semantic processing of Chinese characters. Dissertation, Educational Psychology Dept., University of Illinois.
- Lee, K. (2008). Phonological and other linguistic effects in recognition of Chinese characters. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Cognitive Science (pp. 233-236). Seoul: ICCS.
- Lee, K. (2003). Discourse Markers ‘well’ and ‘oh’. In Bardovi-Harlig, K. (Ed.), Teaching Pragmatics. Available online at US Information Agency & Indiana University.
- Lee, K. (2001). Teaching discourse stress to Asian students. KOTESOL Proceedings 2001, pp. 103-116.
- Lee, K. (2001). Focus and discourse stress. M.A. Thesis, Div. English as International Language (TESOL), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Lee, K. (1997). Chinese Tone Sandhi and Prosody. M.A. Thesis, Linguistics Dept., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Notes: * SSCI/A&HCI indexed; + KCI indexed; % Scopus indexed
Submitted or under review
- Lee, K. (submitted). English sentence stress: Form and function.
- Lee, K. (submitted). Teaching determiners: Addressing Korean university students’ misconceptions.
- Lee, K. (submitted). Chinese ESL writers’ use of English contrastive connectives.
Notes: * SSCI indexed; + KCI indexed; % Scopus indexed.
Contributing editorship
- 수능특강 고득점 330 제 (외국어영역) [College Entrance Exam High Score 330]. (2012). Lee, K., Barron, J., Goranson, J., Fanguy, M., Turner, A., Wray, M. (Eds.). Seoul: EBS.
- 수능특강 A&B 형 [College Entrance Exam Special Lecture Series A & B]. (2013). Lee, K. & Tiffin, S. (Eds.). Seoul: EBS.
- 7030 Final 실전모의고사 영어영역 A & B형 [Practice Area Practice Tests A & B]. (2013), Lee, K. & — (Eds.). Seoul: EBS.
Conferences presentations
- Lee, K. (2017). A “the” or the “a”? L2 learner problems and patterns. Presentation at KOTESOL conference, October 2017.
- Lee, K. (2017). Teaching determiners: Some cognitive approaches for university EFL learners. Presentation at KATE (Korean Association of Teachers of English) conference, June 2017, Seoul.
- Lee, K. (2016). Determiner usage: Variation among native speakers and Korean university students. Presentation at KATE (Korean Association of Teachers of English) conference, July 2016, Seoul.
- Lee, K. (2015). Teaching articles: A cognitive approach for learners. Presentation at KATE (Korean Association of Teachers of English) conference, Aug. 2015, Seoul, Korea.
- Lee, K. (2014). Korean writers’ article errors: A cognitive linguistic approach. Presentation at KATE (Korean Association of Teachers of English) conference, July 2014, Seoul National University.
- Lee, K. & Lee, H.-K. (2014). Faculty development for English-mediated instruction. Poster presented at Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Feb. 2014, Virginia Technical University.
- Lee, K. (2012). Instructional coaching at an East Asian university. Paper presented at ISSOTL (International Scholarship of Teaching & Learning) conference, October 2012, Hamilton, Ontario.
- Lee, K. (2011). Some discourse patterns of depressed and suicidal persons. Paper presented at 21st World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine (International College of Psychosomatic Medicine). Seoul, Korea, August 2011.
- Lee, K. (2009). Phonological and semantic information used in reading Chinese characters. Paper presented at Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Regional Culture and Language, Hanyang University, June 2009.
- Lee, K. (2008). Phonological and other linguistic effects in recognition of Chinese characters. Paper presented at 6th International Conference of Cognitive Science. Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, August 2008.
- Lee, K. (2006). Semantic modeling of Chinese characters. Poster presented at 5th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, McGill University, Montreal, 10-13 October 2006.
- Lee, K. (2005). Discourse connectives and organization in Korean L2 writing. World Englishes conference, July 2005, Purdue University.
- Lee, K. (2005). L2 Perspectives on English discourse connectives. Pragmatics and Language Learning Conference, April 2005, Indiana University.
- Lee, K. (2004). Teaching scientific paradigms in ESL/EAP. Presentation at Symposium on Second Language Writing, Purdue University, Sept. 2004.
- Lee, K. (2001). Teaching discourse stress to Asian students. KOTESOL (Korea TESOL), October 2001, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.
- Lee, K. (2001). Like, teaching discourse markers. TESOL Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, March 2001.
- Lee, K. (2000). “Like” as a discourse information marker. Pragmatics and Language Learning Conference, University of Illinois (UIUC), April 2000.
- Lee, K. (1999). Are TBLT and explicit grammar instruction compatible? Colloquium presentation. TESOL conference, New York NY, March 1999.